Fifth Grade

Religion- Our Sunday Visitor, Virtues in Practice. Students learn about the Old Testament, New Testament, Sacraments, Christology, Church History, lives of the saints, liturgical seasons, morality, and service to the community are also interwoven into the spiraling curriculum. The day as well as each class begins with a prayer and the needs of each other and the wider community are brought before God. Students participate in Eucharistic Procession and attend Mass weekly. Students also follow the Virtues in Practice program created by the Dominican Sisters of Nashville. This program introduces a virtue a month and the lives of the saints that are great role models for that virtue.

Math- Math in Focus-Singapore Math.

Science-Delta Science, Foss Science Discovery Kits

Social Studies- Core Knowledge

Literature- Students use a combination of textbook and novels to learn. Comprehension skills take precedence at this grade level to enable students to learn text response writing to promote higher level thinking skills, complete analysis projects, and develop vocabulary.

English/Writing- Shurley English is used to develop a good knowledge of the parts of speech and skills necessary to write with purpose. Writing is incorporated into all subject areas in the middle school curriculum with an emphasis on personal narrative, expository, persuasive and. poetry.

Physical Education- is offered twice weekly. Students focus on team sports and skills needed to improve in a variety of physical exercises. Recess is given most days before lunch.

Music Education- Students focus on learning rhythm, singing, melody, duration, notation, musical instruments, chords and harmony, and musical time periods.

Spanish-  Santanilla- Integration of language and culture and strong focus on authentic communication helps students develop language, vocabulary, and grammar skills in authentic contexts.

Electives- Band or Drama, and Sign Language are offered this year as electives for the intermediate grades.  These classes are offered two days a week. Electives are subject to change from year to year.


Our intermediate grades have a Chromebook cart available to to them. By using Chromebooks in the classroom we are developing students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills while guiding students to grow into good stewards of their faith. Students learn to integrate technology into their everyday school life. By using a combination of textbooks, internet research, games, typing programs, and other online sources for their course work, they develop the ability to research and seek answers in a variety of ways to the questions that are presented to them.  Faculty guidance, online collaboration with peers and the ability to access classroom management pages in Haiku teach our students to take responsibility for their own learning in this digital age.

Our Diocese has Victim Assistance Coordinators who are trained counselors and available to help anyone sexually abused by a priest, deacon, or other church or school personnel. At St. Paul Catholic Church, we have great concern, and hold in high regard, those who have suffered sexual abuse especially at the hands of the Church, including our Catholic Schools. Click here for more information.

About Us

St. Paul Catholic School has, as its specific duty, the complete formation of its students through spiritual, intellectual, social, aesthetic, emotional, and physical endeavors. This integration of faith and life is a part of a life-long process of conversion, until the student becomes what God wishes him/her to be.

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