
The Pre-K3 classroom is designed around the ability of the child to discover the world around them through play and guided instruction. Our center-based approach allows the child to imitate life through play in the kitchen, grocery, dress up, building, reading, writing, art, puzzles, transportation, and play-doh centers.

The Creative Curriculum program utilizes circle time, read aloud time, song,  and dance  to learn background knowledge that will be used in future years. Concepts are taught to keep pace with new research. Teachers help to encourage children to make and test hypotheses, develop skills for using technology, explore their world and the people in it, and engage their creative thinking skills. The units are hands-on studies that are relevant to children’s daily lives and help every child explore, investigate and learn. A diverse collection of fiction and nonfiction children’s books promote children’s language and literacy learning, and social–emotional development during read-alouds.

In addition to their classroom curriculum, Pre-K3 participates in other special learning activities such as Music Class, Spanish Class, PE Class, Library, and Technology Class where they use iPads. Pre-K3 enjoys several free-time play on the playground and in the classroom throughout the day.

Our Diocese has Victim Assistance Coordinators who are trained counselors and available to help anyone sexually abused by a priest, deacon, or other church or school personnel. At St. Paul Catholic Church, we have great concern, and hold in high regard, those who have suffered sexual abuse especially at the hands of the Church, including our Catholic Schools. Click here for more information.

About Us

St. Paul Catholic School has, as its specific duty, the complete formation of its students through spiritual, intellectual, social, aesthetic, emotional, and physical endeavors. This integration of faith and life is a part of a life-long process of conversion, until the student becomes what God wishes him/her to be.

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