Beginning in 4th grade, students have the opportunity to take elective classes in addition to their special area classes. These classes provide enrichment opportunities for students to explore new interests while strengthening collaboration and critical thinking skills. Elective classes are typically one semester long and meet twice a week. Students in 4th and 5th grade participate in one elective per semester. Students in 6th – 8th grade participate in two electives per semester which means a student has 12 different elective opportunities throughout their entire middle school years!

Elective offerings change from year to year. Examples of elective choices are string orchestra, band, musical theater, theater set design, sculpture, 3D printing, Lego Robotics, creative writing, gardening, and more!

Our Diocese has Victim Assistance Coordinators who are trained counselors and available to help anyone sexually abused by a priest, deacon, or other church or school personnel. At St. Paul Catholic Church, we have great concern, and hold in high regard, those who have suffered sexual abuse especially at the hands of the Church, including our Catholic Schools. Click here for more information.

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3121 Hyde Park Road
Pensacola, FL 32503

Tel.: 850.436.6435

Fax: 850-436-6437 

[email protected]

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