
Our extensive elective program offers students the opportunity to learn a variety of new skills during the school day such as Ceramics, Robotics, 3D Design and Fabrication, Advanced Spanish, and Debate.  The Musical Theatre elective works with the beginning Band elective and Theatre Set Design elective to produce an amazing Christmas program as well as a fun spring play. Yearbook and Digital News Journal help students to document the happenings in our school for others to learn about now and in the future. General Music and Art courses are also offered for those who want an overview of the subject. Study Skills elective sets up the 6th graders with the expectations of middle school while improving their note-taking skills, organization and many other student responsibilities. Electives change from year to year, but each year students are able to take three to four different electives, which means a possibility of 12 different elective opportunities throughout their entire middle school years!

Our Diocese has Victim Assistance Coordinators who are trained counselors and available to help anyone sexually abused by a priest, deacon, or other church or school personnel. At St. Paul Catholic Church, we have great concern, and hold in high regard, those who have suffered sexual abuse especially at the hands of the Church, including our Catholic Schools. Click here for more information.

About Us

St. Paul Catholic School has, as its specific duty, the complete formation of its students through spiritual, intellectual, social, aesthetic, emotional, and physical endeavors. This integration of faith and life is a part of a life-long process of conversion, until the student becomes what God wishes him/her to be.

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